His "as delivered" corner weight settings without a driver. Surprisingly uneven as the right rear is already too heavy before any driver's weight.
Above are the "as delivered" wheel travel from each linear potentiometer at 1G cornering and that's on the sliding limit of his setup on cold street tyres. (Winter here and ambient was 7degs C).
The car "as delivered" was a real handful to drive on the limit. From a drivers perspective it appeared to skip across the road and was impossible predict how badly or when this would occur as even the smallest bump or camber change would set this effect in motion.
Logging was interesting as you can clearly see 0.4 Vertical G Force (40% of gravity) being induced by the shocker failing to absorb and control the spring energy as the load comes off that damper/spring during cornering. For the driver this was very unsettling which was how I felt driving the car.
We have logged position at 500 times per sec so it's a simple matter to calculate velocity. A short 9 minute drive ends up with 275,000 logged data position points! Aren't computers wonderful....
These are histograms for each corner of wheel travel. Velocity in mm/s in compression and rebound scaled by %.
We use many other graphs and maths functions during the analysis of the "as delivered" suspension package. This write-up is just a glossary so much of our intellectual property analysis is not presented.
Next everything gets stripped down.
The standard shims are removed with sizes and thickness recorded.
From our analysis decisions about new spring rates are made and springs ordered. |
The front left linear potentiometers fitted on the S2000. Note the tyre rubbing on the inner guard in compression.
Above is the "as delivered"
FFT" for each corner.
Tein coil over apart for re-valving.
After assembling the suspension, we set toe, camber and caster to our preferred settings. The car was then corner weighted with the driver in the photo below.